Talk to Your Dentist About Prophy and Periodontal Cleaning
If you visit this blog with any regularity, you know that the professionals at Downtown Dental Associates of Portland feel strongly about the importance of preventative dental care.
In fact, we think it can’t be overstated: Good home care and regular cleanings and dental exams will save go a long way toward avoiding some very serious problems. These steps contribute to good dental health and even overall health and can save you a lot of money.
It’s why we are always elated when someone who’s neglected their dental health — for whatever reason — comes in for an exam, a cleaning and the best advice we have to offer on improving their dental health.
Part of that process is deciding what degree of teeth cleaning is needed. If it’s been a while — and we never judge — we need to provide the cleaning option that best serves the patient and their dental health. So when you come in for an exam, you may hear the terms prophy or perio maintenance, depending on which of these options will deliver the best results for you.
A prophy cleaning is part of an ongoing maintenance program that includes good home care and scheduled cleanings by one of our dental hygienists up to several times a year. While this type of cleaning can dip below the gum line, most of it takes place on the visible part of the tooth.
Sometimes, and for a variety of reasons, a patient needs more in-depth cleaning. This is called perio, short for periodontal, and that means a type of teeth cleaning that goes below the gum line to reach areas where bacteria and plaque buildup can do a lot of damage, if left unchecked.
Keeping these areas clean helps keep your mouth as healthy as it can be and is a key factor in whether or not you will keep your natural teeth for a lifetime.
At Downtown Dental Associates of Portland, we consider good dental care a team effort carried out by our professionals and you, the patient. Talk to us today about how we can help you care for your dental health. We are always happy to answer any questions you may have.
Contact us today if you’d like to schedule an exam.