Dentistry Tailored to Special Needs Patients Results in Better Outcomes
Dentistry tailored to special needs patients results in better outcomes.
One thing we know for sure at Downtown Dental Associates of Portland: Each patient is a unique individual and that there is no “one size fits all” in dentistry. We know this because we’ve treated thousands of patients and come to understand that each has needs particular to themselves.
Because of this, we look at each patient carefully, their dental needs and medical conditions, before deciding what approach to use and what will get the patient the best result. This is especially true for our patients with special needs.
That’s why certain members of our team are dedicated to treating patients with special needs so that those patients get the appropriate care to fit their situation. For instance, the right kind of anesthesia can and does mean the difference between a very difficult dental office visit and one that is smooth sailing for the patient and their family.
We take this aspect of dentistry quite seriously and have team members who are trained and experienced in working with patients who have special needs.
Through these team members we offer several sedation options, including:
· Nitrous oxide
· Oral sedation
· Intravenous sedation
· Hospital based general anesthesia
Having a choice about how we deliver the needed treatment to our special needs patients is key to having a successful treatment session and a positive outcome.
Consider that certain behavior management challenges are made easier or even require sedation and anesthesia service. Among these are:
· Dental phobias
· Uncooperative patients
· Patients who don’t respond to local anesthesia
· Patients with mental and/or physical challenges
· Lengthy, complex and comprehensive dental procedures
If you or a loved one have special needs, we are here to help. Contact us today to talk about how we can meet your individual needs and help you or your loved one have the vibrant dental health you deserve.