Get Your Best Smile Yet with SureSmile® Clear Aligners

As your dental office in downtown Portland, we’re excited to introduce SureSmile® clear aligners. 

This new offering aligns with our commitment to providing state-of-the-art dental solutions for our patients in downtown Portland and beyond. We think you’ll love SureSmile® as much as we do.

Curious? Come in for a consultation. Until then, here are the basics you should know.

A Clear Path to a Straight Smile

SureSmile® clear aligners in Portland offer a discreet, efficient and comfortable way to achieve a perfect smile.

Unlike traditional braces, these clear aligners are virtually invisible, allowing you to straighten your teeth without compromising your looks. This innovative solution is perfect for adults and teens alike, making it easier than ever to correct a wide range of orthodontic issues, including crowding, gaps and misalignment.

Why Choose SureSmile® at Downtown Dental Portland?

Customized Treatment Plans: We create treatment plans tailored to your unique dental structure. You’ll get faster results more comfortably.

Convenience and Comfort: SureSmile® aligners are meant to be worn 20-22 hours a day and are easily removed. Brush easily and eat what you like—no wires to poke your gums.

Expert Care in Downtown Portland: We pride ourselves on offering expert care in a welcoming and comfortable environment. Our downtown location and free parking make it convenient for you to attend appointments whether you’re coming from work, school or home.

A Transparent Journey to a Brighter Smile: They won’t see your braces, but you’ll see progress with each new set of aligners. Unlike metal braces, SureSmile® aligners are clear and discreet. Pop them out for a few seconds when taking a closeup selfie.

A straight, tidy smile is about more than looks. Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Plus, a straighter smile can boost your confidence.


Is SureSmile® better than Invisalign?
There are a lot of similarities, but we chose SureSmile® for our patients because it’s more convenient and costs less without losing quality or results.

Do I have to restrict what I eat and drink?
With traditional metal braces, you have to watch out for foods like popcorn, bagels, crackers, nuts, crunchy vegetables, apples, pizza crust… the list goes on. Good news: there’s no such list for SureSmile® clear aligners. Just pop out your aligners to eat. Brush or rinse well, then put the aligners back in. Easy.

What about brushing and flossing?
Please keep it up! Remove your aligners to brush and floss as usual. No special tools are needed.

SureSmile® From Your Downtown Portland Dentist

If you’re considering tooth alignment solutions, look no further than Downtown Dental Associates. Our team is ready to guide you through the SureSmile® journey, providing personalized care and support every step of the way.

Schedule a consultation to learn more about how SureSmile® clear aligners can transform your smile and life. Our dental office in Portland combines cutting-edge dental solutions with the warmth and personalized care our patients have come to expect.

Don’t let another day pass wishing for a straighter, more confident smile. Schedule a consultation today.

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